Base Caption
- Short plain closed kilt with single band on the chest
- Short plain hair
- Short plain hair with receding hairline
- Short pleated kilt
- Short pleated kilt with a projecting triangular pleated apron
- Short skirt
- Short striped skirt
- Short wrap-around dress
- Short wrap-around dress with one shoulder strap
- Shouldered jar
- Shrine
- Shrine with an animal decoration
- Sickle
- Sickle-shaped object
- Side-lock
- Side-lock with a fish-amulett
- Siese
- Sieve
- Simple loom
- Simple low wheel
- Single-headed spear
- Sithathor
- Sledge
- Small-spotted Genet
- Snake-shaped throw-stick
- Sobekemhat
- Sobekhotep
- Sobeknakht
- Sobkeneferu
- Songbird
- Spear
- Spindle
- Spinning bowl
- Spit
- Spliced fibres
- Spoonbill
- Spouted vat
- Spur-winged plover
- Square level
- Squat jar